In the tenth installment of the Stephanie Plum novels, Stephanie and Lula happen to be at the wrong place at the right time and spot a serial robber in action. Stephanie even gets a good enough look to identify him. Unfortunately, the robber is part of a gang and they aren't happy with her! This novel also includes some small time bonds feature a reunion with transvestite, Sally and a woman who held up a Frito-Lay truck.
It was an enjoyable read though not one of the better books of the series. I loved the return of Sally the transvestite, and I think that the highlight of the book was definitely when Sally saved the day in a School Bus with an Uzi.
The emotional turmoil of Stephanie bouncing between Morelli and Ranger which started off the be fun and interesting but is now beginning to get tedious and annoying. It's getting a bit painful to watch a character make worse and worse choices in her personal life in each book.
It wasn't my favorite book in the series, however the sample chapter of the next book has made it impossible for me to give up on the series.
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