Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Intro to Steampunk Fashion

Since last week I focused mostly on the technological and functional aspects of Steampunk, this week's dose of Steampunk is on the Style and Fashion of the movement. One of the best articles I've that describes the history and influences of Steampunk fashion is by Krista Nielson of InThisWeek. Here's a teaser from her article:

"Imagine a culture inspired by Victorian era romance where antique gadgets influence daily life, science and technology is blurred, and time travel is a reality. Welcome to the rising subculture of steampunk."
I love the individual nature of Steampunk that results from the large trend of Do-It-Yourself attire. Everyone has their own take and that's part of what makes Steampunk awesome. It can be leather and machine parts or bustles and parasols. Your influences can be more modern punk attire or the traditional Victorian apparel. Here are links to a pair of galleries with a wide variety of fashions for Ladies and Gentlemen.

Bonus: An Opportunity for Portland Steampunks!
St. John's Parade
Saturday, May 8, 2010
2010 theme- "Through a Child's eyes"
St. Johns Neighborhood of North Portland, Oregon
Group: Rose City Steampunks and Friends

Come find us between 8:30-11:00. We will have a tea party before the parade. (hopefully on grassy sidewalk strip). The Air-ship the Sea Siren has a small ice chest. Bring a teacup/mug and some finger food to share please. A chair or blanket that you can return to your car before the parade would be nice.

Check out the Facebook Event Page for more details:

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